On my computer at home I sat down after completing Wolfenstein 3D and thought I've found all the secrets. What now then said to myself I'll make my own level so I got Wolf Edit out and made my own level. Later I thought it's so good I will send it to Macformat and thats what I did.
The level Puzzle has four floors, two bosses and lots of secrets. It's a Puzzle to slove.
Wolfenstein 3D 1st Encounter/Wolf 3D (Registed or not).
Wolf Edit v1.1. Which you can find on Macformat 31 CD if you got it, if so look in readers corner, readers contribtions, lUKE BAILEY's folder.
When in Wolf Edit go to File, Install then find Wolf 3D and open Puzzle into it.
ME for making the level.
ID Software and Macplay for creating Wolf 3D.
Luke Bailey.
Gregory C. Ewing for making WolfEdit v1.1.
If you would the sequel to Puzzle send £5.00 to me and and a padded envolope then I will send you the sequel.